The lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices.
This is a computer. Your UA is CCBot/2.0 (
Please help us improve the mobile detection by choosing the correct answer.
Before sending an answer double check that you are using the browser in its normal mode, not in 'Desktop mode'.
You can contribute by:
1. forking the project
2. submiting an issue
3. sending us feedback below
Basic detection methods | |
isMobile() | bool(false) |
isTablet() | bool(false) |
Custom detection methods | |
isiPhone() | bool(false) |
isBlackBerry() | bool(false) |
isHTC() | bool(false) |
isNexus() | bool(false) |
isDell() | bool(false) |
isMotorola() | bool(false) |
isSamsung() | bool(false) |
isLG() | bool(false) |
isSony() | bool(false) |
isAsus() | bool(false) |
isNokiaLumia() | bool(false) |
isMicromax() | bool(false) |
isPalm() | bool(false) |
isVertu() | bool(false) |
isPantech() | bool(false) |
isFly() | bool(false) |
isWiko() | bool(false) |
isiMobile() | bool(false) |
isSimValley() | bool(false) |
isWolfgang() | bool(false) |
isAlcatel() | bool(false) |
isNintendo() | bool(false) |
isAmoi() | bool(false) |
isINQ() | bool(false) |
isGenericPhone() | bool(false) |
isiPad() | bool(false) |
isNexusTablet() | bool(false) |
isSamsungTablet() | bool(false) |
isKindle() | bool(false) |
isSurfaceTablet() | bool(false) |
isHPTablet() | bool(false) |
isAsusTablet() | bool(false) |
isBlackBerryTablet() | bool(false) |
isHTCtablet() | bool(false) |
isMotorolaTablet() | bool(false) |
isNookTablet() | bool(false) |
isAcerTablet() | bool(false) |
isToshibaTablet() | bool(false) |
isLGTablet() | bool(false) |
isFujitsuTablet() | bool(false) |
isPrestigioTablet() | bool(false) |
isLenovoTablet() | bool(false) |
isDellTablet() | bool(false) |
isYarvikTablet() | bool(false) |
isMedionTablet() | bool(false) |
isArnovaTablet() | bool(false) |
isIntensoTablet() | bool(false) |
isIRUTablet() | bool(false) |
isMegafonTablet() | bool(false) |
isEbodaTablet() | bool(false) |
isAllViewTablet() | bool(false) |
isArchosTablet() | bool(false) |
isAinolTablet() | bool(false) |
isNokiaLumiaTablet() | bool(false) |
isSonyTablet() | bool(false) |
isPhilipsTablet() | bool(false) |
isCubeTablet() | bool(false) |
isCobyTablet() | bool(false) |
isMIDTablet() | bool(false) |
isMSITablet() | bool(false) |
isSMiTTablet() | bool(false) |
isRockChipTablet() | bool(false) |
isFlyTablet() | bool(false) |
isbqTablet() | bool(false) |
isHuaweiTablet() | bool(false) |
isNecTablet() | bool(false) |
isPantechTablet() | bool(false) |
isBronchoTablet() | bool(false) |
isVersusTablet() | bool(false) |
isZyncTablet() | bool(false) |
isPositivoTablet() | bool(false) |
isNabiTablet() | bool(false) |
isKoboTablet() | bool(false) |
isDanewTablet() | bool(false) |
isTexetTablet() | bool(false) |
isPlaystationTablet() | bool(false) |
isTrekstorTablet() | bool(false) |
isPyleAudioTablet() | bool(false) |
isAdvanTablet() | bool(false) |
isDanyTechTablet() | bool(false) |
isGalapadTablet() | bool(false) |
isMicromaxTablet() | bool(false) |
isKarbonnTablet() | bool(false) |
isAllFineTablet() | bool(false) |
isPROSCANTablet() | bool(false) |
isYONESTablet() | bool(false) |
isChangJiaTablet() | bool(false) |
isGUTablet() | bool(false) |
isPointOfViewTablet() | bool(false) |
isOvermaxTablet() | bool(false) |
isHCLTablet() | bool(false) |
isDPSTablet() | bool(false) |
isVistureTablet() | bool(false) |
isCrestaTablet() | bool(false) |
isMediatekTablet() | bool(false) |
isConcordeTablet() | bool(false) |
isGoCleverTablet() | bool(false) |
isModecomTablet() | bool(false) |
isVoninoTablet() | bool(false) |
isECSTablet() | bool(false) |
isStorexTablet() | bool(false) |
isVodafoneTablet() | bool(false) |
isEssentielBTablet() | bool(false) |
isRossMoorTablet() | bool(false) |
isiMobileTablet() | bool(false) |
isTolinoTablet() | bool(false) |
isAudioSonicTablet() | bool(false) |
isAMPETablet() | bool(false) |
isSkkTablet() | bool(false) |
isTecnoTablet() | bool(false) |
isJXDTablet() | bool(false) |
isiJoyTablet() | bool(false) |
isFX2Tablet() | bool(false) |
isXoroTablet() | bool(false) |
isViewsonicTablet() | bool(false) |
isOdysTablet() | bool(false) |
isCaptivaTablet() | bool(false) |
isIconbitTablet() | bool(false) |
isTeclastTablet() | bool(false) |
isOndaTablet() | bool(false) |
isJaytechTablet() | bool(false) |
isBlaupunktTablet() | bool(false) |
isDigmaTablet() | bool(false) |
isEvolioTablet() | bool(false) |
isLavaTablet() | bool(false) |
isAocTablet() | bool(false) |
isMpmanTablet() | bool(false) |
isCelkonTablet() | bool(false) |
isWolderTablet() | bool(false) |
isMiTablet() | bool(false) |
isNibiruTablet() | bool(false) |
isNexoTablet() | bool(false) |
isLeaderTablet() | bool(false) |
isUbislateTablet() | bool(false) |
isPocketBookTablet() | bool(false) |
isKocasoTablet() | bool(false) |
isHudl() | bool(false) |
isTelstraTablet() | bool(false) |
isGenericTablet() | bool(false) |
isAndroidOS() | bool(false) |
isBlackBerryOS() | bool(false) |
isPalmOS() | bool(false) |
isSymbianOS() | bool(false) |
isWindowsMobileOS() | bool(false) |
isWindowsPhoneOS() | bool(false) |
isiOS() | bool(false) |
isMeeGoOS() | bool(false) |
isMaemoOS() | bool(false) |
isJavaOS() | bool(false) |
iswebOS() | bool(false) |
isbadaOS() | bool(false) |
isBREWOS() | bool(false) |
isChrome() | bool(false) |
isDolfin() | bool(false) |
isOpera() | bool(false) |
isSkyfire() | bool(false) |
isIE() | bool(false) |
isFirefox() | bool(false) |
isBolt() | bool(false) |
isTeaShark() | bool(false) |
isBlazer() | bool(false) |
isSafari() | bool(false) |
isTizen() | bool(false) |
isUCBrowser() | bool(false) |
isbaiduboxapp() | bool(false) |
isbaidubrowser() | bool(false) |
isDiigoBrowser() | bool(false) |
isPuffin() | bool(false) |
isMercury() | bool(false) |
isObigoBrowser() | bool(false) |
isNetFront() | bool(false) |
isGenericBrowser() | bool(false) |
isPaleMoon() | bool(false) |
Experimental version() method | |
Other tests | |
isiphone() | bool(false) |
isIphone() | bool(false) |
istablet() | bool(false) |
isIOS() | bool(false) |
isWhateverYouWant() | bool(false) |
Debug | |
Matching Regex | NULL |
Matching Array | NULL |